
The first ideas of founding a gardening association reportedly emerged already in the 1930s. On 15 February 1953 the intentions were realized; the founding meeting of the Joensuu Horticultural Association was held at a market garderner Salonen’s home in Onttola. The Chair in the meeting was a counsel Aapo Leskinen, who was a representative of the central organization Horticultural Federation.

The town gardener, garden technician Sylvi Knuuti was chosen a Chair of the new Association, Vilho Salonen was elected a Deputy-Chair, a gardening teacher and florist Helvi Oinonen was elected a Secretary and a gardener of the parish Väinö Erha was elected a Treasurer. The other members of the Association Committee were Hanna Soininen and deputy-members Ida Tapanainen ja Hanna Männikkölä. The rules of the Association were approved and the membership fee was decided to be 100 marks and 50 marks for children and garden trainees.